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Here’s some tips and advice and things to put you at ease, sit back, grab a drink and read on.

Should you pay more for Actors headshots?
Should you pay more for Actros headshots, heres some of the reasons why your pennies can work for you.

Top tips for getting the best headshots
Whether you choose to shoot headshots with Nicholas Dawkes photography or not, the headshot market is a daunting place with a lot of...

Improve your headshots with ONE LOOK
Here’s a little secret, it doesn’t matter what your hair is doing and what clothes you’re wearing for your headshots if your face is a...

Actors beating the COVID blues - 6 things to get your career re-booted.
Theres no denying that COVID has had a big hit on our industry in 2020. From actors personal incomes to that of production and theatre...

How do I pick THE headshot?!
So you've had a great photo shoot, and been left with a mind boggling selection of photos of your face to sift through, but where do you...

Headshots... What to wear?!
Picking the right clothes to show you at your best is always hard, the first place to start thinking about is where you want the photos...

Are my headshots Copyrighted?!
Its not always clear to a client that when they pay a photographer for their photoshoot, the photographer still owns the images. This is...

My headshot LOVES and HATES
"Oh no, i'm scared... Are you one of those photographers that's going to shout at me and tell me off for not doing it right!?" Absolutely...

Finding the right headshot photographer
The world of headshot photography can seem like a dark abyss to a lot of actors. There is a lot of photographers out there, so hopefully...

My top 5 tips for how to get the best out of your headshot shoot in Summer
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